SOSA Policies – May 2022

SOSA Policy for Expense Approval
- Any expenditure up to $200 can be approved by any 1 executive member
- Any expenditure up to $500 can be approved by any 2 executive members
- All expenses require original receipt
- All expenditures up to $500 are to be reported at the next Executive Committee meeting.
- Any expenditure of club funds over $500 needs the approval of a majority of the executive at a regular meeting and recorded in the meeting minutes
- In a case when approval is required before a regular executive meeting, then approval by a majority via email must be obtained and ratified at the next executive meeting and recorded in the meeting minutes.
SOSA Policy for Infrastructure Modification
- Any infrastructure modification needs the approval of a majority of the executive at a regular meeting and recorded in the meeting minutes
- In a case when approval is required before a regular executive meeting, then approval by a majority via email must be obtained and ratified at the next executive meeting and recorded in the meeting minutes
- No member is permitted to make any changes to SOSA’s infrastructure unless directed by the executive
SOSA Policy for Executive Membership Fees
- Executive members will have their membership fees waived for the duration of their appointment
- No waiver for fees for boat parking and storage locker
SOSA Policy for Membership Fees
- Annual membership fees are due in full by June 1st of each year
- Renewing members must pay in full by June 1. Late fee of $100 will apply to all renewing memberships not paid by June 1.
- Membership includes full access to SOSA grounds and clubhouse
- Members are required to respect SOSA property and ensure proper housekeeping
- Membership does not automatically entitle the member to a boat parking space nor a storage locker – these are applied for separately
SOSA Policy for Fall Membership
- New members signed up after September 1st will pay $200 for membership and 75% of annual fees for boat parking
- Members who complete 4 hours of volunteer work will receive a refund of $75.
SOSA Policy for Member Boat Parking
- Membership entitles the member family to park a maximum of two boats on SOSA property. More than two boats requires an additional membership.
- All boat owning members must purchase and display their Boat Identification Decal prominently by May 31st of each year
- Parking spaces will be allocated by the Membership Director or designate – boats may not be parked in any other space
- New members wishing to park their boats will be added to the waitlist if no parking spot is available
- Any boat on SOSA premises without a valid decal will be moved to the easement and steps to have it removed will be initiated as per policy.
SOSA Policy for Boat Trailers
- Boat trailers may normally only be stored on SOSA property if the boat for which parking fees have been paid is stored on the trailer.
- If a member wishes to store their trailer on SOSA property separately from their boat, they may do so by paying a trailer parking fee equal to 50% of their boat parking fee.
- Trailers must be registered, insured, and roadworthy.
- Otherwise, empty trailers may not be stored on SOSA property and will be subject to the same process for removal as boats.
SOSA Policy for Insurance
- SOSA insurance policies do not cover personal belongings.
- It is each member’s responsibility to ensure they have adequate property and liability insurance on their boats and the contents of their lockers.
SOSA Policy for Boats of Members not In Good Standing or Boats Not in Useable Condition
- All boats parked on SOSA property must be in good useable condition and have membership and boat storage fees paid up to date.
- At the end of each season, the Executive will review all boats on the property.
- Requiring removal of a boat does not result in loss of membership privileges
Process for removal of boats.
Removal from the site shall involve each of the following steps.
- Initial Notification. Telephone contact.
- Initial Written Warning. Letter from the Commodore advising of the offence and the possible consequences.
- Second and Final Written Warning. Letter from the Commodore advising of the intention to seize and dispose in accordance with Warehouse Man’s Lien Act and the Abandoned Property Act.
- Notification of Removal and Disposal. Seize and dispose of the equipment in accordance with the mentioned acts.
- Letters from the Executive will be sent by registered mail.
- Failure of the recipient to respond within fourteen days to written notification from the club will be interpreted/considered abandonment leading to immediate seizure and disposal.
Note: SOSA will maintain and store records to ensure all relevant contact and correspondence are filed and retained to address any potential litigation.
SOSA Policy for Purchase of Member’s Boat
- If a member sells their boat, the seller must immediately notify the Membership Director.
- The parking spot does not automatically transfer to the new owners.
- The new owners may become members and apply for a boat parking space should one be available.
- If no parking spaces are available, the new members may request a wait-list spot and remove the boat from SOSA property
- If the transaction takes place after September 1st then the Fall Membership Policy applies regarding fees and volunteer hours
SOSA Policy for Camping
- During a SOSA sanctioned regatta or event only participants and members may camp for a maximum of four nights.
- Only members in good standing may overnight camp on SOSA grounds for a maximum of two sessions of up to three nights each in a season excluding SOSA regattas and events.
- In any case camping cannot interfere with SOSA Learn to Sail lessons or any other SOSA event.
- The size of tent is to be reasonable.
SOSA Policy for Events
- All members have access to SOSA at all times.
- Any member is permitted to hold a special event on SOSA premises subject to existing by-laws and policies, and executive permission which will not be unreasonably withheld.
- A special event is not exclusive – all other members have access to the clubhouse and grounds during the event.
- Any special event may not be at the same time as an event on the SOSA calendar as published on the SOSA website without executive approval.
SOSA Definition of Sailboats Permitted to be Parked or Sailed from SOSA
- Only sailboats following the description below will be permitted to be sailed from and/or parked on SOSA property unless the executive, in exceptional circumstances, decide otherwise by a majority vote
- Definition: A sailboat without a fixed or ballasted keel, without a cabin, and is a maximum of 20 feet in length.
SOSA Policy for Reciprocal Guest Privileges
A reciprocal guest privileges can be requested by visiting members of other sailing associations/clubs for a period not to exceed 7 days subject to the following conditions:
- Approval of two executive members and notification by email of the Executive Committee.
- Use of the clubhouse, grounds and launch ramp will be available.
- Subject to space availability, the reciprocal guest’s boat is to be parked in a designated space on the grounds where it will not interfere with the Learn to Sail program.
- A key to the clubhouse will be provided with deposit to be returned at the end of the visit.